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National Drug Control Strategy
Update 2003

February 2003

Table 60. Percentage1 of Adult Male Booked Arrestees Who Used Any Drug,2 by Location, 1991–2001

Location Year
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 20013
Albany (Capital Area) 65 63
Albuquerque 65 64 65 64
Anchorage 43 54 52 52
Atlanta 63 69 72 69 74 80 72 66 77 70
Birmingham 63 64 68 69 73 70 67 67 64 65 63
Charlotte-Metro 68 66
Chicago 74 69 81 79 79 82 80 74 74 84
Cleveland 56 64 64 66 65 67 64 65 71 72 69
Dallas 56 59 62 57 60 63 63 63 61 55 52
Denver 50 60 64 67 66 71 71 69 67 64 62
Des Moines 57 56 55 57
Detroit 55 58 63 66 67 66 62 68 65 70 64
Ft. Lauderdale 61 64 61 58 58 67 73 74 64 62
Honolulu 63 59
Houston 65 59 59 48 58 64 63 60 60 57
Indianapolis 45 52 60 69 64 74 63 67 64 64 66
Kansas City 69
Laredo 57 58 59 49
Las Vegas 57 60 59 60
Los Angeles 62 67 66 66 62 64 59 64 62
Miami 68 68 70 66 57 67 61 62 66 63
Minneapolis 63 60 67 69
New Orleans 59 60 62 63 66 67 67 67 69 69 68
New York City4 73 77 78 82 83 78 79 77 75 80 76
Oklahoma City 69 64 71 68
Omaha 36 48 54 59 54 63 62 60 62 63 69
Philadelphia 74 78 76 76 76 69 67 79 70 72 71
Phoenix 42 47 62 65 63 59 64 63 64 66 69
Portland, OR 61 60 63 65 65 66 71 72 64 64 68
Sacramento 71 68 74 73
St. Louis 59 64 68 74 77 75 74 72
Salt Lake City 60 60 54 54
San Antonio 49 54 55 52 51 57 52 56 50 53 57
San Diego 75 77 78 79 72 71 73 69 64 64 62
San Jose 58 50 54 55 52 48 51 48 55 53 62
Seattle 65 66 64 64
Spokane 62 62 58 62
Tucson 63 68 69 63
Tulsa 61
Washington, D.C. 59 60 60 64 64 66 69 65 69
— Data not available.
1 Percent positive by urinalysis, January through December of each year. Percentages are rounded.
2 “Any drug” includes cocaine, opiates, PCP, marijuana, amphetamines, methadone, methaqualone, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and propoxyphene.
3 In 2001, the definition of “any drug” pertains to any one of the NIDA-5 drugs (cocaine, opiates, marijuana, methamphetamine, and PCP), thus these numbers are not directly comparable to prior years.
4 Data before the third quarter of 1998 pertains to Manhattan only. Sources: 1991–1996 data from Drug Use Forecasting (1991–1996); 1997–1998 data from Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees (1997 and 1998); 1999 data from 1999 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (ADAM), National Institute of Justice (NIJ); 2000 data from 2000 Annualized Site Visit Reports, ADAM, NIJ (2001); 2001 data from Drug Use and Related Matters Among Adult Arrestees, 2001, ADAM, NIJ.

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Last Updated: May 7, 2003