
Since 1990, CTAC has been overseeing and coordinating the counterdrug research and development (R&D;) programs of the federal drug control agencies. It sponsors a counterdrug technology R&D; program to advance the technological capabilities of federal drug control agencies and a Technology Transfer Program (TTP) to enhance the capabilities of state and local law enforcement agencies (LEAs) for counterdrug missions. The counterdrug R&D; program addresses the scientific and technological (S&T;) needs of the federal drug control agencies. It includes demand reduction projects in brain imaging technology, therapeutic medications, assessment of treatment programs; supply reduction projects for cargo inspection, for drug smuggling, drug crime information handling, communications, and surveillance. The counterdrug R&D; program also includes operational test and evaluation activities to evaluate off the shelf and emerging technology prototypes for use in the field.
CTAC's Demand Reduction Program
The demand reduction R&D; program supports the National Drug Control Strategy by expanding the understanding of substance abuse and addiction. In conjunction with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the demand reduction R&D; program sponsors advanced neuroimaging technology, medical instrumentation and facilities at leading academic medical research institutions. The research facilities being sponsored through the R&D; program have all agreed to concentrate on drug abuse research and to train other professionals who will continue to advance our state of knowledge.
CTAC's Supply Reduction Program
The supply reduction R&D; program supports the National Drug Control Strategy through applied developments for nonintrusive inspection, tactical technologies, and test and evaluation. Over the past two years, technologies have been developed to provide improvements to communications, surveillance and drug crime information sharing capabilities to make the law enforcement missions more effective, safe, and to ensure successful prosecutions. Advanced nonintrusive inspection concepts employing gamma ray and neutron technologies are being developed to detect illegal drug shipments concealed within containerized cargo entering the United States. These technologies, along with those still to come from ongoing field and laboratory research, are being deployed by our law enforcement agencies and will improve our ability to search conveyances and cargo for hidden drugs at U.S. ports-of-entry.
Last Updated: August 29, 2002