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The President's
National Drug Control Strategy
February 2005

Appendix B: Acknowledgments


The Director of ONDCP consults with a variety of experts and officials while developing and implementing the National Drug Control Strategy. Specified consultants include the heads of the National Drug Control Program agencies, Congress, state and local officials, citizens and organizations with expertise in demand and supply reduction, and appropriate representatives of foreign governments. In developing the National Drug Control Strategy, ONDCP consulted with both houses of Congress and 15 federal agencies. At the State and local level, 55 Governors were consulted, as well as the National Governors Association, U.S. Conference of Mayors, and National Association of Counties. ONDCP also solicited input from a broad spectrum of nonprofit organizations, community anti-drug coalitions, chambers of commerce, professional associations, research and educational institutions, and religious organizations. The views of the following individuals and organizations were solicited during the development of the National Drug Control Strategy.

Members of the United States Senate

Daniel K. Akaka – HI
Lamar Alexander – TN
Wayne Allard – CO
George Allen – VA
Evan Bayh – IN
Robert F. Bennett – UT
Joseph R. Biden – DE
Jeff Bingaman – NM
Christopher S. Bond – MO
Barbara Boxer – CA
Sam Brownback – KS
Conrad Burns – MT
Robert C. Byrd – WV
Ben Nighthorse Campbell – CO
Thomas R. Carper – DE
Lincoln D. Chafee – RI
Saxby Chambliss – GA
Hillary Rodham Clinton – NY
Thad Cochran – MS
Norm Coleman – MN
Susan M. Collins – ME
John Cornyn – TX
Jon S. Corzine – NJ
Larry E. Craig – ID
Thomas A. Daschle – SD
Mark Dayton – MN
Mike DeWine – OH
Christopher J. Dodd – CT
Elizabeth Dole – NC
Pete V. Domenici – NM
Byron L. Dorgan – ND
Richard J. Durbin – IL
John Edwards – NC
John Ensign – NV
Michael B. Enzi – WY
Russell D. Feingold – WI
Dianne Feinstein – CA
Peter G. Fitzgerald – IL
Bill Frist – TN
Bob Graham – FL
Lindsey O. Graham – SC
Charles E. Grassley – IA
Judd Gregg – NH
Chuck Hagel – NE
Tom Harkin – IA
Orrin G. Hatch – UT
Ernest F. Hollings – SC
Kay Bailey Hutchison – TX
James M. Inhofe – OK
Daniel K. Inouye – HI
James M. Jeffords – VT
Tim Johnson – SD
Edward M. Kennedy – MA
John F. Kerry – MA
Herb Kohl – WI
Jon Kyl – AZ
Mary L. Landrieu – LA
Frank R. Lautenberg – NJ
Patrick Leahy – VT
Carl Levin – MI
Joseph I. Lieberman – CT
Trent Lott – MS
Richard G. Lugar – IN
John McCain – AZ
Mitch McConnell – KY
Barbara A. Mikulski – MD
Patty Murray – WA
Benjamin Nelson – NE
Bill Nelson – FL
Mark Pryor – AR
Jack Reed – RI
Harry M. Reid – NV
Pat Roberts – KS
John D. Rockefeller – WV
Paul S. Sarbanes – MD
Charles E. Schumer – NY
Jeff Sessions – AL
Richard C. Shelby – AL
Olympia J. Snowe – ME
Arlen Specter – PA
Ted Stevens – AK
John E. Sununu – NH
James M. Talent – MO
George V. Voinovich – OH
John W. Warner – VA
Ron Wyden – OR

Members of the United States House of Representatives

Neil Abercrombie – HI
Gary L. Ackerman – NY
Robert B. Aderholt – AL
Todd Akin – MO
Rodney Alexander – LA
Robert E. Andrews – NJ
Joe Baca – CA
Spencer Bachus – AL
Brian Baird – WA
Tammy Baldwin – WI
Cass Ballenger – NC
Roscoe G. Bartlett – MD
Joe Barton – TX
Doug Bereuter – NE
Shelley Berkley – NV
Howard L. Berman – CA
Marion Berry – AR
Judy Biggert – IL
Rob Bishop – UT
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. – GA
Marsha Blackburn – TN
Earl Blumenauer – OR
Roy D. Blunt – MO
Sherwood L. Boehlert – NY
Henry Bonilla – TX
Mary Bono – CA
John Boozman – AR
Madeleine Z. Bordallo – GU
Leonard L. Boswell – IA
Rick Boucher – VA
Allen Boyd – FL
Jeb Bradley – NH
Robert A. Brady – PA
Sherrod Brown – OH
Michael Burgess – TX
Richard M. Burr – NC
Dan Burton – IN
Ken Calvert – CA
Dave Camp – MI
Chris Cannon – UT
Benjamin L. Cardin – MD
Brad Carson – OK
John R. Carter – TX
Ed Case – HI
Steve Chabot – OH
Ben Chandler – KY
Donna M. Christensen – VI
William Lacy Clay – MO
James E. Clyburn – SC
Howard Coble – NC
Tom Cole – OK
Michael A. Collins – GA
John Conyers – MI
Jim Cooper – TN
Jerry F. Costello – IL
Christopher Cox – CA
Robert E. Cramer, Jr. – AL
Ander Crenshaw – FL
Joseph Crowley – NY
John A. Culberson – TX
Elijah E. Cummings – MD
Randy Cunningham – CA
Danny K. Davis – IL
Jo Ann Davis – VA
Lincoln Davis – TN
Tom Davis – VA
Nathan Deal – GA
Peter A. DeFazio – OR
William D. Delahunt – MA
Rosa L. DeLauro – CT
Tom DeLay – TX
Mario Diaz-Balart – FL
Norman D. Dicks – WA
Calvin M. Dooley – CA
John T. Doolittle – CA
David Dreier – CA
John J. Duncan, Jr. – TN
Jennifer B. Dunn – WA
Chet Edwards – TX
Jo Ann Emerson – MO
Eliot L. Engel – NY
Anna G. Eshoo – CA
Bob Etheridge – NC
Lane Evans – IL
Terry Everett – AL
Eni F.H. Faleomavaega – AS
Sam Farr – CA
Chaka Fattah – PA
Tom Feeney – FL
Jeff Flake – AZ
J. Randy Forbes – VA
Barney Frank – MA
Trent Franks – AZ
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen – NJ
Elton Gallegly – CA
Jim Gibbons – NV
Paul E. Gillmor – OH
Phil Gingrey – GA
Virgil H. Goode, Jr. – VA
Bob Goodlatte – VA
Bart Gordon – TN
Porter J. Goss – FL
Kay Granger – TX
Sam Graves – MO
Mark Green – WI
Jane Harman – CA
Katherine Harris – FL
Melissa A. Hart – PA
J. Dennis Hastert – IL
Alcee L. Hastings – FL
Doc Hastings – WA
Robin Hayes – NC
J.D. Hayworth – AZ
Joel Hefley – CO
Baron Hill – IN
Maurice D. Hinchey – NY
David L. Hobson – OH
Joseph M. Hoeffel – PA
Peter Hoekstra – MI
Rush Holt – NJ
Darlene Hooley – OR
John N. Hostettler – IN
Amo Houghton – NY
Steny H. Hoyer – MD
Kenny Hulshof – MO
Duncan Hunter – CA
Henry J. Hyde – IL
Jay Inslee – WA
Johnny Isakson – GA
Ernest J. Istook, Jr. – OK
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. – IL
William L. Jenkins – TN
Walter B. Jones – NC
Paul E. Kanjorski – PA
Marcy Kaptur – OH
Ric Keller – FL
Patrick J. Kennedy – RI
Carolyn C. Kilpatrick – MI
Ron Kind – WI
Peter T. King – NY
Steve King – IA
Jack Kingston – GA
Mark Steven Kirk – IL
John Kline – MN
Joe Knollenberg – MI
Jim Kolbe – AZ
Dennis J. Kucinich – OH
Ray LaHood – IL
James R. Langevin – RI
Tom Lantos – CA
Rick Larsen – WA
Tom Latham – IA
Steven C. LaTourette – OH
James A. Leach – IA
Barbara Lee – CA
Sheila Jackson Lee – TX
Jerry Lewis – CA
Ron Lewis – KY
John Linder – GA
Frank A. LoBiondo – NJ
Zoe Lofgren – CA
Nita M. Lowey – NY
Frank D. Lucas – OK
Ken R. Lucas – KY
Stephen F. Lynch – MA
Carolyn B. Maloney – NY
Edward J. Markey – MA
Jim Marshall – GA
Jim Matheson – UT
Robert T. Matsui – CA
Karen McCarthy – MO
Betty McCollum – MN
Thaddeus G. McCotter – MI
Jim McDermott – WA
John M. McHugh – NY
Scott McInnis – CO
Mike McIntyre – NC
Howard P. McKeon – CA
Martin T. Meehan – MA
Kendrick B. Meek – FL
Gregory W. Meeks – NY
Robert Menendez – NJ
John L. Mica – FL
Candice Miller – MI
Jeff Miller – FL
Alan B. Mollohan – WV
James P. Moran – VA
Tim Murphy – PA
Sue W. Myrick – NC
Jerrold Nadler – NY
Grace F. Napolitano – CA
George R. Nethercutt, Jr. – WA
Anne M. Northup – KY
Eleanor Holmes Norton – DC
Devin Nunes – CA
John W. Olver – MA
Solomon P. Ortiz – TX
Tom Osborne – NE
Doug Ose – CA
C.L. Otter – ID
Major R. Owens – NY
William J. Pascrell – NJ
Ed Pastor – AZ
Ron Paul – TX
Donald M. Payne – NJ
Nancy Pelosi – CA
Mike Pence – IN
Collin C. Peterson – MN
John E. Peterson – PA
Charles W. Pickering – MS
Joseph R. Pitts – PA
Todd R. Platts – PA
Richard W. Pombo – CA
Earl Pomeroy – ND
Rob Portman – OH
David E. Price – NC
Adam H. Putnam – FL
George P. Radanovich – CA
Ralph Regula – OH
Dennis R. Rehberg – MT
Silvestre Reyes – TX
Ciro D. Rodriguez – TX
Harold Rogers – KY
Mike Rogers – MI
Mike D. Rogers – AL
Dana Rohrabacher – CA
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen – FL
Mike Ross – AR
Steven R. Rothman – NJ
Lucille Roybal-Allard – CA
Edward R. Royce – CA
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger – MD
Tim Ryan – OH
Jim Ryun – KS
Martin Olav Sabo – MN
Linda T. Sanchez – CA
Loretta Sanchez – CA
Bernard Sanders – VT
Max Sandlin – TX
Jim Saxton – NJ
Adam B. Schiff – CA
Edward L. Schrock – VA
Robert C. Scott – VA
F. James Sensenbrenner – WI
Jose E. Serrano – NY
Pete Sessions – TX
John Shadegg – AZ
Christopher Shays – CT
Brad Sherman – CA
Don Sherwood – PA
Rob Simmons – CT
Michael K. Simpson – ID
Ike Skelton – MO
Louise M. Slaughter – NY
Adam Smith – WA
Christopher H. Smith – NJ
Lamar S. Smith – TX
Nick Smith – MI
Vic Snyder – AR
Mark E. Souder – IN
John M. Spratt – SC
John E. Sweeney – NY
Thomas G. Tancredo – CO
John S. Tanner – TN
Ellen O. Tauscher – CA
W.J. Tauzin – LA
Charles H. Taylor – NC
Gene Taylor – MS
Lee Terry – NE
William M. Thomas – CA
Bennie G. Thompson – MS
Mac Thornberry – TX
Todd Tiahrt – KS
Pat Tiberi – OH
John F. Tierney – MA
Edolphus Towns – NY
Jim Turner – TX
Michael R. Turner – OH
Tom Udall – NM
Chris Van Hollen – MD
Peter J. Visclosky – IN
David Vitter – LA
Greg Walden – OR
James T. Walsh – NY
Zach Wamp – TN
Maxine Waters – CA
Diane E. Watson – CA
Melvin L. Watt – NC
Henry A. Waxman – CA
Anthony D. Weiner – NY
Curt Weldon – PA
Dave Weldon – FL
Jerry Weller – IL
Robert Wexler – FL
Roger F. Wicker – MS
Heather A. Wilson – NM
Joe Wilson – SC
Frank R. Wolf – VA
Lynn C. Woolsey – CA
David Wu – OR
C.W. Bill Young – FL
Don Young – AK

Federal Agencies

Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Justice
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs

Foreign Governments and International Organizations

Republic of China
United Kingdom
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Inter-American Dialogue
Organization of the American States


John Elias Baldacci – ME
Haley Barbour – MS
Craig Benson – NH
Rod R. Blagojevich – IL
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco – LA
Phil Bredesen – TN
Jeb Bush – FL
Sila M. Calderón – PR
Felix Perez Camacho – GU
Donald L. Carcieri – RI
James H. Douglas – VT
Jim Doyle – WI
Michael F. Easley – NC
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. – MD
Ernie Fletcher – KY
Dave Freudenthal – WY
Jennifer M. Granholm – MI
Kenny C. Guinn – NV
Brad Henry – OK
John Hoeven – ND
Bob Holden – MO
Mike Huckabee – AR
Mike Johanns – NE
Dirk Kempthorne – ID
Joseph E. Kernan – IN
Ted Kulongoski – OR
Linda Lingle – HI
Gary Locke – WA
Judy Martz – MT
James E. McGreevey – NJ
Ruth Ann Minner – DE
Frank Murkowski – AK
Janet Napolitano – AZ
Bill Owens – CO
George E. Pataki – NY
Tim Pawlenty – MN
Sonny Perdue – GA
Rick Perry – TX
M. Jodi Rell – CT
Edward G. Rendell – PA
Bill Richardson – NM
Robert Riley – AL
Mitt Romney – MA
M. Michael Rounds – SD
Mark Sanford – SC
Arnold Schwarzenegger – CA
Kathleen Sebelius – KS
Bob Taft – OH
Pedro P. Tenorio – MP
Togiola T.A. Tulafono – AS
Charles W. Turnbull – VI
Thomas Vilsack – IA
Olene S. Walker – UT
Mark Warner – VA
Robert Wise, Jr. – WV


Jerry E. Abramson – Louisville, KY
Michael R. Bloomberg – New York, NY
Jane L. Campbell – Cleveland, OH
Richard M. Daley – Chicago, IL
Manuel A. Diaz – Miami, FL
Heather Fargo – Sacramento, CA
Shirley Franklin – Atlanta, GA
Ron Gonzales – San Jose, CA
Phil Gordon – Phoenix, AZ
James K. Hahn – Los Angeles, CA
John W. Hickenlooper – Denver, CO
Pam Iorio – Tampa, FL
Vera Katz – Portland, OR
Kwame M. Kilpatrick – Detroit, MI
Charles J. Luken – Cincinnati, OH
Thomas M. Menino – Boston, MA
Laura Miller – Dallas, TX
Richard M. Murphy – San Diego, CA
Thomas J. Murphy – Pittsburgh, PA
Gavin Newsom – San Francisco, CA
Greg Nickels – Seattle, WA
Martin O’Malley – Baltimore, MD
Alexander Penelas – Miami-Dade, FL
R.T. Rybak – Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Jorge A. Santini – San Juan, PR
Francis G. Slay – St. Louis, MO
John F. Street – Philadelphia, PA
Bill White – Houston, TX
Anthony A. Williams – Washington, DC

United States Attorneys

Michael A. Battle – Buffalo, NY
Steven M. Biskupic – Milwaukee, WI
Daniel G. Bogden – Las Vegas, NV
Susan W. Brooks – Indianapolis, IN
John L. Brownlee – Roanoke, VA
Mary Beth Buchanan – Pittsburgh, PA
Timothy M. Burgess – Anchorage, AK
Thomas P. Calantuono – Concord, NH
Leura Garret Canary – Montgomery, AL
Paul Charlton – Phoenix, AZ
Margaret M. Chiara – Grand Rapids, MI
Christopher J. Christie – Newark, NJ
Colm F. Connolly – Wilimington, DE
Robert Clark Corrente – Providence, RI
Wiliam H. Cromwell – Fort Smith, AR
H.E. (Bud) Cummins – Little Rock, AR
Thomas M. DiBiagio – Baltimore, MD
David R. Dugas – Baton Rouge, LA
Patrick Fitzgerald – Chicago, IL
Humberto S. Garcia – San Juan, PR
Jim M. Greenless – Oxford, MS
Terrell L. Harris – Memphis, TN
Michael G. Heavican – Omaha, NB
Thomas B. Heffelfinger – Minneapolis, MN
David L. Huber – Louisville, KY
David C. Iglesias – Albuquerque, NM
Karin J. Immergut – Portland, OR
Anthony J. Jenkins – Saint Thomas, VI
Marcos Daniel Jimenez – Miami, FL
Thomas E. Johnston – Wheeling, WV
David N. Kelley – New York City, NY
David VB. Kirby – Burlington, VT
Edward H. Kubo – Honolulu, HI
Carol C. Lam – San Diego, CA
Dunn O. Lampton – Jackson, MS
Charles W. Larson – Cedar Rapids, IA
James Letten – New Orleans, LA
Greogry G. Lockhart – Dayton, OH
Thomas A. Marino – Scranton, PA
Alice H. Martin – Birmingham, AL
James G. Martin – St. Louis, MO
Harry S. Mattice – Knoxville, TN
Roslynn R. Mauskopf – Brooklyn, NY
Robert G. McCampbell – Oklahoma City, OK
James A. McDevitt – Spokane, WA
John McKay – Seattle, WA
James E. McMahon – Sioux Falls, SD
Paul McNulty – Alexandria, VA
Matthew H. Mead – Cheyenne, WY
Patrick L. Meehan – Philadelphia, PA
Eric F. Melgren – Wichita, KS
William W. Mercer – Billings, MT
Gregory Robert Miller – Tallahassee, FL
Jan Paul Miller – Springfield, IL
Craig S. Morford – Detroit, MI
Thomas E. Moss – Boise, ID
Kevin J. O’Connor – New Haven, CT
Stephen Patrick O’Meara – Des Moines, IA
David E. O’Mellia – Tulsa, OK
Matthew D. Orwig – Beaumont, TX
Paul Ignatius Perez – Tampa Bay, FL
Leonardo M. Rapadas – Hagatna, GU
Richard B. Roper – Dallas, TX
Kevin V. Ryan – San Francisco, CA
McGregor W. Scott – Sacramento, CA
Gretchen C.F. Shappert – Charlotte, NC
Michael T. Shelby – Houston, TX
Paula D. Silsby – Portland, ME
Sheldon J. Sperling – Muskogee, OK
Glenn T. Suddeby – Syracuse, NY
Michael J. Sullivan – Boston, MA
John W. Suthers – Denver, CO
Johnny K. Sutton – San Antonio, TX
Ronald Tenpas – Fairview Heights, IL
Joseph S. Van Bokkelen – Hammond, IN
J.B. Van Hollen – Madison, WI
Gregory F. Van Tatenhove – Lexington, KY
James K. Vines – Nashville, TN
Anna Mills S. Wagoner – Greensboro, NC
Kenneth L. Wainstein – Washington, DC
Kasey Warner – Charleston, WV
Paul M. Warner – Salt Lake City, UT
Donald W. Washington – Shreveport, LA
Gregory A. White – Cleveland, OH
Frank D. Whitney – Raleigh, NC
Frank Maxwell Wood – Macon, GA
Lisa Godbey Wood – Savannah, GA
Drew H. Wrigley – Fargo, ND
Debra W. Yang – Los Angeles, CA
Sally Q. Yates – Atlanta, GA
David P. York – Mobile, AL

Other Organizations and Individuals

Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Albuquerque Partnership
American Baptist Churches
American Education Association
American Enterprise Institute
American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
American Public Human Services Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
B’nai B’rith International
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Boy Scouts of America
Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse
Californians for Drug-Free Youth
Mark M. Campbell
Catholic Charities U.S.A.
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Center Point
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children First America
Child Welfare League of America
Christian Embassy
Church of God and Christ
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati
Columbia University – Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
Columbia University – Mailman School of Public Health
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Community Behavioral Health
Community Resources for Justice
Concerned Women for America
Congress of National Black Churches
Crystal Cathedral
D.C. Black Church Initiative
Department of Community and Human Services/Cross Systems
     Integration Efforts – WA
Detroit Empowerment Zone Coalition
Drug Abuse Resistance Education – D.A.R.E.
Drug and Alcohol Service Providers
     Organization of Pennsylvania
Drug-Free America Foundation
Drug Watch International
His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan – Archdiocese of New York
Employee Assistance Professionals Association
Empower America
Entertainment Industries Council
Episcopal Church – NY
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Focus on the Family
His Eminence Francis Cardinal George – Archbishop of Chicago
Georgia State University – Department of Psychology
Girl Scouts of the USA
Hands Across Culture
Heritage Foundation
Houston Council on Alcohol and Drugs
Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace
Institute for Policy Innovation
Institute for Social Research
Institute for Youth Development
Jackson Partnership
Norma Jaeger – Statewide Drug Court Coordinator (ID)
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Johnson, Bassin, and Shaw
Join Together – Boston
Join Together – Northern Nevada
Josh McDowell Ministry
Kansas City Fighting Back Coalition
His Eminence William Cardinal Keeler – Archbishop of Baltimore
First Lady of Idaho Patricia Kempthorne
King County Mental Health,
     Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division
KIT Solutions
The Honorable Michael J. Kramer
Judith Kreamer
Larimer County Probation
Legal Action Center
Michael Litow
His Eminence Roger Cardinal Mahony – Archbishop of Los Angeles
Nashville Prevention Partnership
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse
National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
National Association of County Behavioral Health Directors
National Association of Drug Court Professionals
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Native American Children of Alcoholics
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors
National Association of Student Assistance Professionals
National Black Child Development Institute
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Commission Against Drunk Driving
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Council of La Raza
National Crime Prevention Council
National Families in Action
National Family Partnership
National Federation of Republican Women
National Federation of State High School Associations
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse
National Indian Youth Leadership Project
National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
National Mental Health Association
National Opinion Research Center
National Parents and Teachers Association
National Pharmaceutical Council
National School Boards Association
National TASC (Treatment and Accountability for Safer Communities)
National Treatment Consortium
Network of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
New York University – School of Medicine
Northeastern University – Bouve College of Health Sciences
Operation PAR (Parental Awareness Responsibility)
Oregon Partnership
Oregon Trail School District
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Pennsylvania State University – Prevention Research Center
Phoenix House – New York
Prairie View Prevention Services
Presbyterian Church – USA
Prevention Think Tank
Prevention Through Service Alliance
PRIDE Youth Program
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Rio Arriba Family Care Network
Rio Grande Safe Communities Coalition
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ronald McDonald House of Charities
Rutgers University – School of Criminal Justice
Salud Hispana
Michael D. Sanders
Scott Newman Center
Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
State University of New York – Stony Brook School of Social Welfare
Ken Steil
Substance Abuse Program Administrators Association
Support Center for Alcohol, Drug Research and Education
Sussex County Coalition for Healthy and Safe Families
First Lady of Ohio Hope Taft
Teen Challenge
Teen Challenge International
Teen Mania Ministries
Temple University School of Medicine
Texas Tech – Department of Psychiatry
The Bridge
Therapeutic Communities of America
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
United Methodist Church
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
University of Arizona – Department of Sociology
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky – Center for Prevention Research
University of Memphis – Department of Psychology
University of Notre Dame
University of Rhode Island Community Research & Service Team
University of South Carolina – Department of Criminology and
     Criminal Justice
University of South Carolina – Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Utah Council for Crime Prevention
Washington Business Group on Health
White Bison
Yakima County Substance Abuse Coalition
YMCA of America
Young Life

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Last Updated: February 23, 2005