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The President's
National Drug Control Strategy

February 2007

Appendix A: Acknowledgments

Throughout 2006, ONDCP solicited the views of a variety of government officials, experts, states, localities, and nongovernment organizations while developing the 2007 National Drug Control Strategy. We thank the following individuals and organizations for their input.

Members of the United States Senate
Sen. Daniel K. Akaka � Hawaii
Sen. Lamar Alexander � Tennessee
Sen. Wayne Allard � Colorado
Sen. George Allen � Virginia
Sen. Max Baucus � Montana
Sen. Evan Bayh � Indiana
Sen. Robert F. Bennett � Utah
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. � Delaware
Sen. Jeff Bingaman � New Mexico
Sen. Christopher S. Bond � Missouri
Sen. Barbara Boxer � California
Sen. Sam Brownback � Kansas
Sen. Jim Bunning � Kentucky
Sen. Conrad Burns � Montana
Sen. Richard M. Burr � North Carolina
Sen. Robert C. Byrd � West Virginia
Sen. Maria Cantwell � Washington
Sen. Thomas R. Carper � Delaware
Sen. Lincoln Chafee � Rhode Island
Sen. Saxby Chambliss � Georgia
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton � New York
Sen. Tom Coburn � Oklahoma
Sen. Thad Cochran � Mississippi
Sen. Norm Coleman � Minnesota
Sen. Susan Collins � Maine
Sen. Kent Conrad � North Dakota
Sen. John Cornyn � Texas
Sen. Larry E. Craig � Idaho
Sen. Michael D. Crapo � Idaho
Sen. Mark Dayton � Minnesota
Sen. Jim DeMint � South Carolina
Sen. Mike DeWine � Ohio
Sen. Christopher J. Dodd � Connecticut
Sen. Elizabeth Dole � North Carolina
Sen. Pete V. Domenici � New Mexico
Sen. Byron L. Dorgan � North Dakota
Sen. Richard J. Durbin � Illinois
Sen. John Ensign � Nevada
Sen. Michael B. Enzi � Wyoming
Sen. Russ Feingold � Wisconsin
Sen. Dianne Feinstein � California
Sen. Bill Frist � Tennessee
Sen. Lindsey Graham � South Carolina
Sen. Charles E. Grassley � Iowa
Sen. Judd Gregg � New Hampshire
Sen. Chuck Hagel � Nebraska
Sen. Tom Harkin � Iowa
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch � Utah
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison � Texas
Sen. James M. Inhofe � Oklahoma
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye � Hawaii
Sen. Johnny Isakson � Georgia
Sen. James M. Jeffords � Vermont
Sen. Tim Johnson � South Dakota
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy � Massachusetts
Sen. John Kerry � Massachusetts
Sen. Herb Kohl � Wisconsin
Sen. Jon Kyl � Arizona
Sen. Mary L. Landrieu � Louisiana
Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg � New Jersey
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy � Vermont
Sen. Carl Levin � Michigan
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman � Connecticut
Sen. Blanche Lincoln � Arkansas
Sen. Trent Lott � Mississippi
Sen. Richard G. Lugar � Indiana
Sen. Mel Martinez � Florida
Sen. Robert Menendez � New Jersey
Sen. John McCain � Arizona
Sen. Mitch McConnell � Kentucky
Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski � Maryland
Sen. Lisa Murkowski � Alaska
Sen. Patty Murray � Washington
Sen. Ben Nelson � Nebraska
Sen. Bill Nelson � Florida
Sen. Barack Obama � Illinois
Sen. Mark Pryor � Arkansas
Sen. Jack Reed � Rhode Island
Sen. Harry Reid � Nevada
Sen. Pat Roberts � Kansas
Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV � West Virginia
Sen. Ken Salazar � Colorado
Sen. Rick Santorum � Pennsylvania
Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes � Maryland
Sen. Charles E. Schumer � New York
Sen. Jeff Sessions � Alabama
Sen. Richard C. Shelby � Alabama
Sen. Gordon H. Smith � Oregon
Sen. Olympia J. Snowe � Maine
Sen. Arlen Specter � Pennsylvania
Sen. Debbie Stabenow � Michigan
Sen. Ted Stevens � Alaska
Sen. John E. Sununu � New Hampshire
Sen. Jim Talent � Missouri
Sen. Craig Thomas � Wyoming
Sen. John Thune � South Dakota
Sen. David Vitter � Louisiana
Sen. George V. Voinovich � Ohio
Sen. John W. Warner � Virginia
Sen. Ron Wyden � Oregon

Members of the United States House of Representatives
Rep. Neil Abercrombie � Hawaii
Rep. Gary L. Ackerman � New York
Rep. Robert B. Aderholt � Alabama
Rep. Todd Akin � Missouri
Rep. Rodney Alexander � Louisiana
Rep. Tom Allen � Maine
Rep. Robert E. Andrews � New Jersey
Rep. Joe Baca � California
Rep. Spencer Bachus � Alabama
Rep. Brian Baird � Washington
Rep. Richard H. Baker � Louisiana
Rep. Tammy Baldwin � Wisconsin
Rep. J. Gresham Barrett � South Carolina
Rep. John Barrow � Georgia
Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett � Maryland
Rep. Joe L. Barton � Texas
Rep. Charles Bass � New Hampshire
Rep. Melissa Bean � Illinois
Rep. Bob Beauprez � Colorado
Rep. Xavier Becerra � California
Rep. Shelley Berkley � Nevada
Rep. Howard L. Berman � California
Rep. Marion Berry � Arkansas
Rep. Judy Biggert � Illinois
Rep. Brian Bilbray � California
Rep. Michael Bilirakis � Florida
Rep. Rob Bishop � Utah
Rep. Sanford D. Bishop Jr. � Georgia
Rep. Timothy H. Bishop � New York
Rep. Marsha Blackburn � Tennessee
Rep. Earl Blumenauer � Oregon
Rep. Roy Blunt � Missouri
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert � New York
Rep. John A. Boehner � Ohio
Rep. Henry Bonilla � Texas
Rep. Jo Bonner � Alabama
Rep. Mary Bono � California
Rep. John Boozman � Arkansas
Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo � Guam
Rep. Dan Boren � Oklahoma
Rep. Leonard L. Boswell � Iowa
Rep. Rick Boucher � Virginia
Rep. Charles Boustany Jr. � Louisiana
Rep. Allen Boyd � Florida
Rep. Jeb Bradley � New Hampshire
Rep. Kevin Brady � Texas
Rep. Robert A. Brady � Pennsylvania
Rep. Corrine Brown � Florida
Rep. Henry E. Brown Jr. � South Carolina
Rep. Sherrod Brown � Ohio
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite � Florida
Rep. Michael C. Burgess � Texas
Rep. Dan Burton � Indiana
Rep. G.K. Butter?eld � North Carolina
Rep. Steve Buyer � Indiana
Rep. Ken Calvert � California
Rep. Dave Camp � Michigan
Rep. John Campbell � California
Rep. Chris Cannon � Utah
Rep. Eric Cantor � Virginia
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito � West Virginia
Rep. Lois Capps � California
Rep. Michael E. Capuano � Massachusetts
Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin � Maryland
Rep. Dennis Cardoza � California
Rep. Russ Carnahan � Missouri
Rep. Julia Carson � Indiana
Rep. John Carter � Texas
Rep. Ed Case � Hawaii
Rep. Michael N. Castle � Delaware
Rep. Steve Chabot � Ohio
Rep. Ben Chandler � Kentucky
Rep. Chris Chocola � Indiana
Del. Donna M.C. Christensen � Virgin Islands
Rep. William Lacy Clay � Missouri
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II � Missouri
Rep. James E. Clyburn � South Carolina
Rep. Howard Coble � North Carolina
Rep. Tom Cole � Oklahoma
Rep. K. Michael Conaway � Texas
Rep. John Conyers Jr. � Michigan
Rep. Jim Cooper � Tennessee
Rep. Jim Costa � California
Rep. Jerry F. Costello � Illinois
Rep. Robert E. Cramer � Alabama
Rep. Ander Crenshaw � Florida
Rep. Joseph Crowley � New York
Rep. Barbara Cubin � Wyoming
Rep. Henry Cuellar � Texas
Rep. John Culberson � Texas
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings � Maryland
Rep. Artur Davis � Alabama
Rep. Danny K. Davis � Illinois
Rep. Geoff Davis � Kentucky
Rep. Jim Davis � Florida
Rep. Jo Ann Davis � Virginia
Rep. Lincoln Davis � Tennessee
Rep. Susan A. Davis � California
Rep. Thomas M. Davis III � Virginia
Rep. Nathan Deal � Georgia
Rep. Peter A. DeFazio � Oregon
Rep. Diana DeGette � Colorado
Rep. Bill Delahunt � Massachusetts
Rep. Rosa DeLauro � Connecticut
Rep. Charlie Dent � Pennsylvania
Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart � Florida
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart � Florida
Rep. Norm Dicks � Washington
Rep. John D. Dingell � Michigan
Rep. Lloyd Doggett � Texas
Rep. John T. Doolittle � California
Rep. Mike Doyle � Pennsylvania
Rep. Thelma Drake � Virginia
Rep. David Dreier � California
Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. � Tennessee
Rep. Chet Edwards � Texas
Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers � Michigan
Rep. Rahm Emanuel � Illinois
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson � Missouri
Rep. Eliot L. Engel � New York
Rep. Phil English � Pennsylvania
Rep. Anna G. Eshoo � California
Rep. Bob Etheridge � North Carolina
Rep. Lane Evans � Illinois
Rep. Terry Everett � Alabama
Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega � American Samoa
Rep. Sam Farr � California
Rep. Chaka Fattah � Pennsylvania
Rep. Tom Feeney � Florida
Rep. Mike Ferguson � New Jersey
Rep. Bob Filner � California
Rep. Michael G. Fitzpatrick � Pennsylvania
Rep. Jeff Flake � Arizona
Rep. J. Randy Forbes � Virginia
Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. � Tennessee
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry � Nebraska
Res. Cmmsr. Luis Fortuno � Puerto Rico
Rep. Vito J. Fossella � New York
Rep. Virginia Foxx � North Carolina
Rep. Barney Frank � Massachusetts
Rep. Trent Franks � Arizona
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen � New Jersey
Rep. Elton Gallegly � California
Rep. Scott Garrett � New Jersey
Rep. Jim Gerlach � Pennsylvania
Rep. Jim Gibbons � Nevada
Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest � Maryland
Rep. Paul E. Gillmor � Ohio
Rep. Phil Gingrey � Georgia
Rep. Louie Gohmert � Texas
Rep. Charlie Gonzalez � Texas
Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr. � Virginia
Rep. Robert W. Goodlatte � Virginia
Rep. Bart Gordon � Tennessee
Rep. Kay Granger � Texas
Rep. Sam Graves � Missouri
Rep. Al Green � Texas
Rep. Gene Green � Texas
Rep. Mark Green � Wisconsin
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva � Arizona
Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez � Illinois
Rep. Gil Gutknecht � Minnesota
Rep. Ralph M. Hall � Texas
Rep. Jane Harman � California
Rep. Katherine Harris � Florida
Rep. Melissa A. Hart � Pennsylvania
Rep. J. Dennis Hastert � Illinois
Rep. Alcee L. Hastings � Florida
Rep. Doc Hastings � Washington
Rep. Robin Hayes � North Carolina
Rep. J.D. Hayworth � Arizona
Rep. Joel He?ey � Colorado
Rep. Jeb Hensarling � Texas
Rep. Wally Herger � California
Rep. Stephanie Herseth � South Dakota
Rep. Brian Higgins � New York
Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey � New York
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa � Texas
Rep. David L. Hobson � Ohio
Rep. Peter Hoekstra � Michigan
Rep. Tim Holden � Pennsylvania
Rep. Rush D. Holt � New Jersey
Rep. Michael M. Honda � California
Rep. Darlene Hooley � Oregon
Rep. John Hostettler � Indiana
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer � Maryland
Rep. Kenny Hulshof � Missouri
Rep. Duncan Hunter � California
Rep. Henry J. Hyde � Illinois
Rep. Bob Inglis � South Carolina
Rep. Jay Inslee � Washington
Rep. Steve Israel � New York
Rep. Darrell Issa � California
Rep. Ernest Istook � Oklahoma
Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. � Illinois
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee � Texas
Rep. William J. Jefferson � Louisiana
Rep. Bill Jenkins � Tennessee
Rep. Bobby Jindal � Louisiana
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson � Texas
Rep. Nancy L. Johnson � Connecticut
Rep. Sam Johnson � Texas
Rep. Timothy V. Johnson � Illinois
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones � Ohio
Rep. Walter B. Jones � North Carolina
Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski � Pennsylvania
Rep. Marcy Kaptur � Ohio
Rep. Ric Keller � Florida
Rep. Sue W. Kelly � New York
Rep. Mark Kennedy � Minnesota
Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy � Rhode Island
Rep. Dale E. Kildee � Michigan
Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick � Michigan
Rep. Ron Kind � Wisconsin
Rep. Peter T. King � New York
Rep. Steve King � Iowa
Rep. Jack Kingston � Georgia
Rep. Mark Steven Kirk � Illinois
Rep. John Kline � Minnesota
Rep. Joe Knollenberg � Michigan
Rep. Jim Kolbe � Arizona
Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich � Ohio
Rep. John R. Kuhl Jr. � New York
Rep. Ray LaHood � Illinois
Rep. Jim Langevin � Rhode Island
Rep. Tom Lantos � California
Rep. Rick Larsen � Washington
Rep. John B. Larson � Connecticut
Rep. Tom Latham � Iowa
Rep. Steven C. LaTourette � Ohio
Rep. Jim Leach � Iowa
Rep. Barbara Lee � California
Rep. Sander M. Levin � Michigan
Rep. Jerry Lewis � California
Rep. John Lewis � Georgia
Rep. Ron Lewis � Kentucky
Rep. John Linder � Georgia
Rep. Daniel Lipinski � Illinois
Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo � New Jersey
Rep. Zoe Lofgren � California
Rep. Nita M. Lowey � New York
Rep. Frank D. Lucas � Oklahoma
Rep. Dan Lungren � California
Rep. Stephen F. Lynch � Massachusetts
Rep. Connie Mack � Florida
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney � New York
Rep. Donald Manzullo � Illinois
Rep. Kenny Marchant � Texas
Rep. Edward J. Markey � Massachusetts
Rep. Jim Marshall � Georgia
Rep. Jim Matheson � Utah
Rep. Doris Matsui � California
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy � New York
Rep. Michael McCaul � Texas
Rep. Betty McCollum � Minnesota
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter � Michigan
Rep. Jim McCrery � Louisiana
Rep. Jim McDermott � Washington
Rep. Jim McGovern � Massachusetts
Rep. Patrick T. McHenry � North Carolina
Rep. John M. McHugh � New York
Rep. Mike McIntyre � North Carolina
Rep. Howard P. McKeon � California
Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney � Georgia
Rep. Cathy McMorris � Washington
Rep. Michael R. McNulty � New York
Rep. Martin T. Meehan � Massachusetts
Rep. Kendrick B. Meek � Florida
Rep. Gregory W. Meeks � New York
Rep. Charlie Melancon � Louisiana
Rep. John L. Mica � Florida
Rep. Michael H. Michaud � Maine
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald � California
Rep. Brad Miller � North Carolina
Rep. Candice S. Miller � Michigan
Rep. Gary G. Miller � California
Rep. George Miller � California
Rep. Jeff Miller � Florida
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan � West Virginia
Rep. Dennis Moore � Kansas
Rep. Gwen Moore � Wisconsin
Rep. James P. Moran � Virginia
Rep. Jerry Moran � Kansas
Rep. Tim Murphy � Pennsylvania
Rep. John P. Murtha � Pennsylvania
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave � Colorado
Rep. Sue Myrick � North Carolina
Rep. Jerrold Nadler � New York
Rep. Grace F. Napolitano � California
Rep. Richard E. Neal � Massachusetts
Rep. Randy Neugebauer � Texas
Rep. Anne M. Northup � Kentucky
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton � District of Columbia
Rep. Charlie Norwood � Georgia
Rep. Devin Nunes � California
Rep. Jim Nussle � Iowa
Rep. James L. Oberstar � Minnesota
Rep. David R. Obey � Wisconsin
Rep. John W. Olver � Massachusetts
Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz � Texas
Rep. Tom Osborne � Nebraska
Rep. C. L. Otter � Idaho
Rep. Major R. Owens � New York
Rep. Michael G. Oxley � Ohio
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. � New Jersey
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. � New Jersey
Rep. Ed Pastor � Arizona
Rep. Ron Paul � Texas
Rep. Donald M. Payne � New Jersey
Rep. Steve Pearce � New Mexico
Rep. Nancy Pelosi � California
Rep. Mike Pence � Indiana
Rep. Collin C. Peterson � Minnesota
Rep. John E. Peterson � Pennsylvania
Rep. Tom Petri � Wisconsin
Rep. Charles W. Pickering Jr. � Mississippi
Rep. Joe Pitts � Pennsylvania
Rep. Todd R. Platts � Pennsylvania
Rep. Ted Poe � Texas
Rep. Richard W. Pombo � California
Rep. Earl Pomeroy � North Dakota
Rep. Jon Porter � Nevada
Rep. David E. Price � North Carolina
Rep. Tom Price � Georgia
Rep. Deborah Pryce � Ohio
Rep. Adam H. Putnam � Florida
Rep. George P. Radanovich � California
Rep. Nick J. Rahall II � West Virginia
Rep. Jim Ramstad � Minnesota
Rep. Charles B. Rangel � New York
Rep. Ralph Regula � Ohio
Rep. Denny Rehberg � Montana
Rep. Dave Reichert � Washington
Rep. Rick Renzi � Arizona
Rep. Silvestre Reyes � Texas
Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds � New York
Rep. Harold Rogers � Kentucky
Rep. Mike Rogers � Michigan
Rep. Mike D. Rogers � Alabama
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher � California
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen � Florida
Rep. Mike Ross � Arkansas
Rep. Steven R. Rothman � New Jersey
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard � California
Rep. Ed Royce � California
Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger � Maryland
Rep. Bobby L. Rush � Illinois
Rep. Paul D. Ryan � Wisconsin
Rep. Tim Ryan � Ohio
Rep. Jim Ryun � Kansas
Rep. Martin Olav Sabo � Minnesota
Rep. John Salazar � Colorado
Rep. Linda T. Sanchez � California
Rep. Loretta Sanchez � California
Rep. Bernard Sanders � Vermont
Rep. H. James Saxton � New Jersey
Rep. Jan Schakowsky � Illinois
Rep. Adam B. Schiff � California
Rep. Jean Schmidt � Ohio
Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz � Pennsylvania
Rep. Joe Schwarz � Michigan
Rep. David Scott � Georgia
Rep. Robert C. Scott � Virginia
Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. � Wisconsin
Rep. Jose E. Serrano � New York
Rep. Pete Sessions � Texas
Rep. John Shadegg � Arizona
Rep. E. Clay Shaw Jr. � Florida
Rep. Christopher Shays � Connecticut
Rep. Brad Sherman � California
Rep. Don Sherwood � Pennsylvania
Rep. John Shimkus � Illinois
Rep. Bill Shuster � Pennsylvania
Rep. Rob Simmons � Connecticut
Rep. Mike Simpson � Idaho
Rep. Ike Skelton � Missouri
Rep. Louise M. Slaughter � New York
Rep. Adam Smith � Washington
Rep. Christopher H. Smith � New Jersey
Rep. Lamar Smith � Texas
Rep. Vic Snyder � Arkansas
Rep. Mike Sodrel � Indiana
Rep. Hilda L. Solis � California
Rep. Mark Souder � Indiana
Rep. John M. Spratt Jr. � South Carolina
Rep. Pete Stark � California
Rep. Cliff Stearns � Florida
Rep. Ted Strickland � Ohio
Rep. Bart Stupak � Michigan
Rep. John Sullivan � Oklahoma
Rep. John E. Sweeney � New York
Rep. Tom Tancredo � Colorado
Rep. John Tanner � Tennessee
Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher � California
Rep. Charles H. Taylor � North Carolina
Rep. Gene Taylor � Mississippi
Rep. Lee Terry � Nebraska
Rep. Bill Thomas � California
Rep. Bennie Thompson � Mississippi
Rep. Mike Thompson � California
Rep. William M. Thornberry � Texas
Rep. Todd Tiahrt � Kansas
Rep. Pat Tiberi � Ohio
Rep. John F. Tierney � Massachusetts
Rep. Edolphus Towns � New York
Rep. Michael R. Turner � Ohio
Rep. Mark Udall � Colorado
Rep. Tom Udall � New Mexico
Rep. Fred Upton � Michigan
Rep. Chris Van Hollen � Maryland
Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez � New York
Rep. Peter J. Visclosky � Indiana
Rep. Greg Walden � Oregon
Rep. James T. Walsh � New York
Rep. Zach Wamp � Tennessee
Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz � Florida
Rep. Maxine Waters � California
Rep. Diane Watson � California
Rep. Melvin Watt � North Carolina
Rep. Henry A. Waxman � California
Rep. Anthony Weiner � New York
Rep. Curt Weldon � Pennsylvania
Rep. Dave Weldon � Florida
Rep. Jerry Weller � Illinois
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland � Georgia
Rep. Robert Wexler � Florida
Rep. Edward Whit?eld � Kentucky
Rep. Roger Wicker � Mississippi
Rep. Heather A. Wilson � New Mexico
Rep. Joe Wilson � South Carolina
Rep. Frank R. Wolf � Virginia
Rep. Lynn Woolsey � California
Rep. David Wu � Oregon
Rep. Albert R. Wynn � Maryland
Rep. C.W. Bill Young � Florida
Rep. Don Young � Alaska

Federal Agencies
Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Justice
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Director of National Intelligence

Foreign Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction
Inter-American Dialogue
International Narcotics Control Board
Mexico Organization of the American States
People�s Republic of China
United Kingdom United
Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

John Elias Baldacci � ME
Haley Barbour � MS
Craig Benson � NH
Rod R. Blagojevich � IL
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco � LA
Phil Bredesen � TN
Jeb Bush � FL
Sila M. Calder�n � PR
Felix Perez Camacho � GU
Donald L. Carcieri � RI
James H. Douglas � VT
Jim Doyle � WI
Michael F. Easley � NC
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. � MD
Ernie Fletcher � KY
Dave Freudenthal � WY
Jennifer M. Granholm � MI
Kenny C. Guinn � NV
Brad Henry � OK
John Hoeven � ND
Bob Holden � MO
Mike Huckabee � AR
Mike Johanns � NE
Dirk Kempthorne � ID
Joseph E. Kernan � IN
Ted Kulongoski � OR
Linda Lingle � HI
Gary Locke � WA
Judy Martz--MT
James E. McGreevey � NJ
Ruth Ann Minner � DE
Frank Murkowski � AK
Janet Napolitano � AZ
Bill Owens � CO
George E. Pataki � NY
Tim Pawlenty � MN
Sonny Perdue � GA
Rick Perry � TX
M. Jodi Rell � CT
Edward G. Rendell � PA
Bill Richardson � NM
Robert Riley � AL
Mitt Romney � MA
M. Michael Rounds � SD
Mark Sanford � SC
Arnold Schwarzenegger � CA
Kathleen Sebelius � KS
Bob Taft � OH
Pedro P. Tenorio � MP
Togiola T.A. Tulafono � AS
Charles W. Turnbull � VI
Thomas Vilsack � IA
Olene S. Walker � UT
Mark Warner � VA
Robert Wise, Jr. � WV

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
Appalachia HIDTA
Atlanta HIDTA
Central Florida HIDTA
Central Valley California HIDTA
Chicago HIDTA
Gulf Coast HIDTA
Hawaii HIDTA
Houston HIDTA
Lake County HIDTA
Los Angeles HIDTA
Michigan HIDTA
Midwest HIDTA
Milwaukee HIDTA
Nevada HIDTA
New England HIDTA
New York-New Jersey HIDTA
North Florida HIDTA
North Texas NIDTA
Northern California HIDTA
Northwest HIDTA
Oregon HIDTA
Philadelphia HIDTA
Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands HIDTA
Rocky Mountain HIDTA
South Florida HIDTA
Southwest Boarder HIDTA
Washington-Baltimore HIDTA

Municipal Leaders
Richard M. Daley � Chicago, IL
Manuel A. Diaz � Miami, FL
Buddy Dyer � Orlando, FL
Heather Fargo � Sacramento, CA
Shirley Franklin � Atlanta, GA
Phil Gordon � Phoenix, AZ
Antonio Villaraigosa � Los Angeles,
CA John W. Hickenlooper � Denver, CO
Pam Iorio � Tampa, FL
Frank Jackson � Cleveland, OH
Kwame M. Kilpatrick � Detroit, MI
Mark Mallory � Cincinnati, OH
Thomas M. Menino � Boston, MA
Laura Miller � Dallas, TX
Gavin Newsom � San Francisco,
CA Greg Nickels � Seattle,WA
Bob O� Connor � Pittsburgh, PA
Martin O�Malley � Baltimore, MD
Tom Potter � Portland, OR
R.T. Rybak � Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
Jerry Sanders � San Diego, CA
Francis G. Slay � St. Louis, MO
John F. Street � Philadelphia, PA
Bill White � Houston, TX
Anthony A. Williams � Washington, DC
Will Wynn � Austin, TX

United States Attorneys
Alexander Acosta � Miami, FL
Steven M. Biskupic � Milwaukee, WI
Daniel G. Bogden � Las Vegas, NV
Susan W. Brooks � Indianapolis, IN
John L. Brownlee � Roanoke, VA
Mary Beth Buchanan � Pittsburgh, PA
Timothy M. Burgess � Anchorage, AK
Thomas P. Calantuono � Concord, NH
Leura Garret Canary � Montgomery, AL
Paul Charlton � Phoenix, AZ
Margaret M. Chiara � Grand Rapids, MI
Christopher J. Christie � Newark, NJ
Colm F. Connolly � Wilmington, DE
Robert Clark Corrente � Providence, RI
William H. Cromwell � Fort Smith, AR
H.E. (Bud) Cummins � Little Rock, AR
David R. Dugas � Baton Rouge, LA
Patrick Fitzgerald � Chicago, IL
Humberto S. Garcia � San Juan, PR
Jonathan Gasser � Columbia, SC
Todd Graves � Kansas City, MO
Jim M. Greenless � Oxford, MS
Catherine Hanaway � St. Louis, MO
Terrell L. Harris � Memphis, TN
Michael G. Heavican � Omaha, NB
Thomas B. Heffel?nger � Minneapolis, MN
David L. Huber � Louisville, KY
David C. Iglesias � Albuquerque, NM
Karin J. Immergut � Portland, OR
Anthony J. Jenkins � Saint Thomas, VI
Thomas E. Johnston � Wheeling, WV
David N. Kelley � New York City, NY
David VB. Kirby � Burlington, VT
Edward H. Kubo � Honolulu, HI
Carol C. Lam � San Diego, CA
Dunn O. Lampton � Jackson, MS
Charles W. Larson � Cedar Rapids, IA
William Leone � Denver, CO
James Letten � New Orleans, LA
Gregory G. Lockhart � Dayton, OH
Thomas A. Marino � Scranton, PA
Alice H. Martin � Birmingham, AL
Harry S. Mattice � Knoxville, TN
Roslynn R. Mauskopf � Brooklyn, NY
Robert G. McCampbell � Oklahoma City, OK
James A. McDevitt � Spokane, WA
John McKay � Seattle, WA
Paul McNulty � Alexandria, VA
Matthew H. Mead � Cheyenne, WY
Patrick L. Meehan � Philadelphia, PA
Kathleen Mahltretter � Buffalo, NY
Eric F. Melgren � Wichita, KS
William W. Mercer � Billings, MT
Charles Miller � Charleston, WV
Gregory Robert Miller � Tallahassee, FL
Jan Paul Miller � Spring?eld, IL
Thomas E. Moss � Boise, ID
David Nahmias � Atlanta, GA
Kevin J. O�Connor � New Haven, CT
Steve Murphy � Detroit, MI
David E. O�Mellia � Tulsa, OK
Matthew D. Orwig � Beaumont, TX
Paul Ignatius Perez � Tampa Bay, FL
Leonardo M. Rapadas � Hagatna, GU
Richard B. Roper � Dallas, TX
Rod Rosenstein � Baltimore, MD
Kevin V. Ryan � San Francisco, CA
McGregor W. Scott � Sacramento, CA
Gretchen C.F. Shappert � Charlotte, NC
Michael T. Shelby � Houston, TX
Paula D. Silsby � Portland, ME
Steve Sinnot � Madison, WI
Sheldon J. Sperling � Muskogee, OK
Glenn T. Suddeby � Syracuse, NY
Michael J. Sullivan � Boston, MA
Johnny K. Sutton � San Antonio,
TX Ronald Tenpas � Fairview Heights, IL
Joseph S. Van Bokkelen � Hammond, IN
Michelle Tapken � Sioux Falls, SD
Gregory F. Van Tatenhove � Lexington, KY
James K. Vines � Nashville, TN
Anna Mills S. Wagoner � Greensboro, NC
Kenneth L. Wainstein � Washington, DC
Paul M. Warner � Salt Lake City, UT
Donald W. Washington � Shreveport, LA
Mathew Whitaker � Des Moines, IA
Gregory A. White � Cleveland, OH
Frank D. Whitney � Raleigh, NC
Frank Maxwell Wood � Macon, GA
Lisa Godbey Wood � Savannah, GA
Drew H. Wrigley � Fargo, ND
Debra W. Yang � Los Angeles, CA
David P. York � Mobile, AL

Other Organizations and Individuals
Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation AFL-CIO
Sherrie Aitken
American Association for the Treatment of Opiod Dependence
American Bar Association
American Correctional Association
American Education Association
American Enterprise Institute
American Federation of Teachers
American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
American Public Human Services Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse
B�nai B�rith International
Kenneth Barun
Gail Bassin
Deborah Beck
Kevin Beary
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Boy Scouts of America
Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse
Californians for Drug-Free Youth
Carnegie Mellon University � Heinz School
Richard Catalano
Catholic Charities U.S.A.
Jonathan P. Caulkins
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Center Point
Children First America
Child Welfare League of America
Columbia University � Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
Columbia University � Mailman School of Public Health
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Concerned Women for America
Congress of National Black Churches
Council of State Governments
Cross Systems Behavioral Health
Judith Cushing
Arthur T. Dean
Detroit Empowerment Zone Coalition
Drug Abuse Resistance Education � D.A.R.E.
Drug-Free America Foundation
Drug Watch International
Robert DuPont
Jim Ehleringer
Mahmoud A. ElSohly
Employee Assistance Professionals Association
Empower America
Entertainment Industries Council
Stephen Fawcett
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
David Fiellin
Paul Florian
Robert Fossum
Fraternal Order of Police
Georgia State University � Department of Psychology
Jay Goldby, City of Poway
Girl Scouts of the USA
Mark Greenbery
Dennis Griffin
Hands Across Culture
Adele Harrell
Henrik Harwood Dorothy Hatsukami
Heritage Foundation
Hispanic American Command Officers Association
Houston Council on Alcohol and Drugs
Hudson Institute
James Inciardi
King County Mental Health Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace
Institute for Policy Innovation Institute for Social Research
Institute for Youth Development
International Association of Chiefs of Police
International Brotherhood of Police Officers
International City/County Management Association
Norma Jaeger � Statewide Drug Court Coordinator (ID) Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Johnson, Bassin, and Shaw Lloyd D. Johnston
Join Together � Boston
Join Together � Northern Nevada
Kansas City Fighting Back Coalition
First Lady of Idaho
Patricia Kempthorne
King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse and Dependency Services Division
KIT Solutions
The Honorable Michael J. Kramer
Judith Kreamer
Larimer County Probation
Legal Action Center
John E. Linder
Michael Litow
Ron Luce
Major Cities Chiefs Association
Modesta Martinez
Vickie M. Mays
Cheryl Merzel
Patrick Morgester, The Community Movement for Urban Progress
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Tracy Mueller
David Murray
Nashville Prevention Partnership
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies
National Asian Paci?c American Families Against Substance Abuse
National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
National Association of Attorneys General
National Association of Counties
National Association of County Behavioral Health Directors
National Association of Drug Court Professionals
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Native American Children of Alcoholics
National Association of Police Organizations
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors
National Association of Student Assistance Professionals
National Black Child Development Institute
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Center for State Courts
National Commission Against Drunk Driving
National Conference of State Legislatures
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Council of La Raza
National Criminal Justice Association
National Crime Prevention Council
National Defense University
National District Attorneys Association
National Families in Action
National Family Partnership
National Federation of Republican Women
National Federation of State High School Associations
National Governors Association
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse
National Indian Youth Leadership Project
National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
National Legal Aid and Defender Association
National League of Cities
National Lieutenant Governors Association
National Mental Health Association
National Narcotics Officers Associations Coalition
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
National Parents and Teachers Association
National Pharmaceutical Council
National Prevention Network
National School Boards Association
National Sheriffs Association
National TASC (Treatment and Accountability for Safer Communities)
National Troopers Foundation
Network of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
New York University � School of Medicine
Northeastern University � Bouve College of Health Sciences
M. Elaine Nugent
Operation PAR (Parental Awareness Responsibility) Oregon Partnership Oregon Trail School District Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Pennsylvania State University � Prevention Research Center
Phoenix House � New York
Police Executive Research Forum
Police Foundation
Michael Ponder, Applied Social Research and Education Prairie View Prevention Services
Prevention Think Tank
Prevention Through Service Alliance
PRIDE Youth Program
Bill Rhodes
Rio Arriba Family
Care Network
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ronald McDonald House of Charities
Rutgers University � School of Criminal Justice
Sacramento Mobilizing Against Substance Abuse
Flor Santalo-Sherbahn
Salud Hispana
Peggy Sapp
Scott Newman Center
State University of New York � Stony Brook, School of Social Welfare
Ken Steil
Substance Abuse Program Administrators Association Support
Center for Alcohol, Drug Research and Education
Sussex County Coalition for Healthy and Safe Families First Lady of Ohio Hope Taft
Teen Challenge
Teen Challenge International
Teen Mania Ministries
Temple University School of Medicine
Texas Tech � Department of Psychiatry
The Bridge
Therapeutic Communities of America
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
United Methodist Church
United States Army War College
United States Conference of Mayors
University of California at Los Angeles
University of Kansas
University of Memphis � Department of Psychology
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Mississippi
University of North Dakota � School of Medicine and Health Services
University of Rhode Island Community Research and Service Team
University of South Carolina � Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of South Carolina � Department of Psychology
University of Texas � Institute for Advanced Technology
University of Utah
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin � Madison
Utah Council for Crime Prevention
Washington Business Group on Health
Sissy Wegner
Abraham Wandersman
White Bison
Sharon C. Wilsnak
Yakima County Substance Abuse Coalition
Yale University School of Medicine
YMCA of America
Young Life
Xiaoyan Zhang

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Last Updated: March 26, 2007