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A police officer sitting in a vehicle holding multiple portable radios.A photo of ONDCP Director John P. Walters and President George W. Bush. CTAC Director Al Brandenstein demonstrates the use of a Thermal Imager.

Center Reports

—Using Advanced Technology To Help Law Enforcement and Medical Science in The Fight Against Drug Crime and Drug Abuse

In this Publication:

CTAC'S Mission

Article 1: Technology Transfer Program

Article 2: Counterdrug and Counterterror

Article 3: Winning with the Technology Transfer Program

Article 4: Wireless Interoperability to the Rescue

Article 5: Training; Law Enforcement R&D;

Article 6: DENS�Drug Evaluation Network System

Article 7: Medical Research

Article 8: Message from ONDCP Director John Walters
[ CTAC'S Mission ]
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CTAC Reports chronicles the work of the Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center, a small science organization inside the U.S. Government with wide responsibilities. In 1990, Congress created CTAC within the Office of National Drug Control Policy to coordinate the research and development (R&D;) of all federal agencies experimenting with advanced technology to fight drug crime, and to use its own budget to initiate and fund R&D; in prevention, treatment and law enforcement science. With strong bipartisan support from Congress, CTAC is also providing advanced tactical systems and devices to state and local law enforcement agencies. Those technologies increase police effectiveness and safety; most were originally developed under the sponsorship of CTAC, FBI, DEA, Customs,and DoD. Many of the systems and devices CTAC transfers to state and local agencies�such as night vision and wireless interoperability�are being applied to counterterrorism missions of homeland defense. On the medical front, CTAC provides advanced brain scanning cameras to some of America's top neuroscientists. They are using the powerful machines to acquire new knowledge they hope will lead to the development of medications to treat and prevent drug abuse. CTAC also sponsors an experimental first offender diversion program and state-of-the-art interactive substance abuse prevention/education exhibits.

Published by CTAC, Spring 2002

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Last Updated: August 29, 2002

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