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Breeding a Line of Super Sniffer Drug Dogs
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Super Sniffer Drug Dogs

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Meet some of the sweetest narcs on the planet. These are super sniffer drug detecting dogs born at the CTAC-sponsored canine breeding unit in the U.S. Customs Service's dog training facility in Virginia. They are the second generation of American-born, Australian gene pool pups. Their older cousins are completing their training and will soon be deployed at ports of entry across the nation. That's bad news for drug smugglers. These pups have astonishing genetics going for them, as well as world class training.

The government of Australia sent a gift of very talented wet noses to the U.S. to help the U.S. Customs Service breed its first line of drug-detecting dogs. In the Australian program's unique experience, each new litter of these very carefully bred pups has produced a remarkably high percentage of dogs with a strong aptitude for the challenging work of detecting hidden shipments of drugs.

One of every two puppies born in the program Down Under meets the rigorous performance requirements of the U.S. Customs Service. Until now, the longestablished U.S. drug-detector canine training program has relied exclusively on donated animals. At least 200 donated dogs must be screened to find just one dog who can make the grade.

The U.S. Customs Service/CTAC goal is to fully replicate the Australian program's spectacular success. There is a happy symmetry in all this. Australia's drug-detector canine program began years ago with a gift of fully trained dogs�from the U.S. Customs Service. (The photo above shows pups at Custom's training center in Virginia being introduced to working on a conveyor belt.)

Last Updated: August 29, 2002

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