
National Assembly Publications
- Drug Use, Testing, and Treatment in Jails.
This BJS Special Report describes the drug involvement of jail inmates and the level of drug use, testing, and treatment in jails.
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- ONDCP Policy Discussion Paper: Drugs, Alcohol Abuse, and Adult and Juvenile Offenders, Breaking the CycleBreaking Free of the Cycle: Policy for Community
and Institutional Interventions to Safeguard Public Safety and Restore Public Health
Adobe Acrobat File (187k)
- Substance Abuse and the Criminal Justice System
Summit of Stakeholders,
June 25, 1999,
Washington, D.C.
- Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult and Juvenile Correctional Facilities.
Based on findings from the Uniform Facility Data Set 1997 Survey of Correctional Facilities, this SAMHSA report provides information on the number of Federal prisons, State prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities providing on-site substance abuse treatment, the number of inmates receiving treatment, and the type of treatment services being offered.
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- Therapeutic Communities In Correctional Settings,
The Prison Based TC Standards Development Project
Final Report of Phase II, November 1, 1999
Last Updated: March 4, 2002