Therapeutic Communities In Correctional Settings The Prison Based TC Standards Development Project Final Report of Phase II November 1, 1999 Table of Contents Entire Document in Adobe Acrobat Format (629kb). Credits Foreword Adobe Acrobat File Overview of the Standards Development Project Introduction to the Standards Development Project Phase II: Major Aims and Scope of Work Report of the Field Review: Main Findings and Recommendations Utility of the Review Protocol and Process: Utility and Revision of the Prison-Based TC Standards The Revised Prison TC Standards: Conclusion, Clarifications, and Caveats Summary Of Phase II and Plans References Appendices Field Review Protocol for Assessing Compliance with TCA Standards Revised TCA Standards for TCs in Correctional Settings Phase III: Brief Overview of Aim and Workscope Therapeutic Communities of America (TCA) Criminal Justice Subcommittee members of the Standards Development Project Prepared for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) under copyright license from Therapeutic Communities of America (TCA). Download Adobe Acrobat Reader PRIVACY POLICY | DISCLAIMER | ACCESSIBILITY Last Updated: March 4, 2002
Therapeutic Communities In Correctional Settings The Prison Based TC Standards Development Project Final Report of Phase II November 1, 1999
Entire Document in Adobe Acrobat Format (629kb).
Therapeutic Communities of America (TCA) Criminal Justice Subcommittee members of the Standards Development Project
Prepared for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) under copyright license from Therapeutic Communities of America (TCA).