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Coordinating & Creating:
Carrying Out Congress' Command
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A Report from Dr. Al Brandenstein

Super Sniffer Drug Dogs

By Land or By Sea or By Air

Carrying Out Congress' Command

Anti-Cocaine Medications

DENS: The Drug Evaluation Network System

Friends Under the Dome

Mission Accomplished: Advanced Technology Pursuit Boat

Technology Transfer Program's Impact

The DARPA Connection

The Technology Transfer Program: Applying for Advanced Counterdrug Technologies

A CTAC-FBI Partnership

VoiceBox Digital Wiretap

Unlocking Mysteries Deep in the Brain
Not only does CTAC have the statutory responsibility for coordinating the entire federal counterdrug law enforcement R&D; program but we also seek out and support scientists who are creating exciting new technologies to reduce drug demand or supply. Much of what we initiate is done in partnership with other agencies. Although our budget is quite small, our project portfolio is very diverse and its impact is being felt well beyond the federal law enforcement community, where some of the systems have already been associated with world famous investigations.

For instance, when FBI agents tracked and arrested the CIA traitor Aldridge Ames, they did it with the help of an advanced surveillance system originally developed by CTAC-sponsored scientists for extremely complex counterdrug cases. The FBI's system is capable of simultaneously following hundreds of vehicles and it is in routine use against drug traffickers. Today, scaled down versions of that system are available to local and state police through the Technology Transfer Program, adding significant power to local law enforcement's attack on increasingly technologically sophisticated, tightly organized drug traffickers. While it would be wrong to say that these systems have crippled the drug dealers, there is no question that their bite has been deep and painful for some criminals. And we've only just begun to hand out the sharp, high tech teeth.
ABOVE: Tracking cocaine conspirators
in New York State.

In one Southwest town, city cops equipped with a CTAC tracking system seized $1,000,000 in property, almost half a ton of marijuana, and busted twelve suspects.

One West Coast local-county-state narcotics task force used one of our surveillance systems to inflict disruption and loss of cash and product on Mexican cartels to the tune of hundreds of kilos of cocaine and well over a ton of marijuana.

Local cops in one Southern city and Sheriff's officers in a different part of the South are using one of our surveillance systems to shake up local drug dealers. More than 60 indictments have been handed down in those two investigations, thus far.

ABOVE: Aldrich Ames leaves Federal Courthouse in Virginia following arraignment.
ABOVE: State Prosecutor's display of drugs seized in Oklahoma raids.

Last Updated: August 29, 2002

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